ASSE 1016-2017/ASME A112.1016-2017/CSA B125.16-17 (R2021)
Performance Requirements for Automatic Compensating Valves for Individual Showers and Tub/Shower Combinations
ANSI Approved: 2021
This standard was reviewed and reaffirmed in 2021. Therefore, this version remains in effect
This is the second edition of the tr-harmonized ASSE 1016/ASME A112.1016/CSA B125.16, Performance requirements for automatic compensating valves for individual showers and tub/shower combinations. It supersedes the previous edition published in 2011.
This standard applies to automatic compensating valves intended to be installed at the point of use, where the user has access to flow or final temperature controls, and where no further mixing occurs downstream of the device.
This standard covers automatic compensating valves intended to control the water temperature to wall or ceiling mounted
a) hand-held showers;
b) shower heads;
c) body sprays either in individual shower or tub/shower combination fittings; and
d) tub spouts when part of tub/shower combination fittings.
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A hard copy version of this standard is also available.